Friday, August 29, 2014

God in you seeks God

The Perennial Tradition, the mystical tradition that I love to build on, says that there is a capacity, a similarity, and a desire for divine reality inside all humans; and all world religions recognize this in their own way. It also states that what we seek is what we are, which is exactly why Jesus says that we will find it (see Matthew 7:7-8), because, as it were, it first found us!

The Perennial Tradition invariably concludes that you initially cannot see what you are looking for because what you are looking for is doing the looking! God is never an object to be found or possessed as we find other objects, but the One who shares your own deepest subjectivity—or your “self.” We normally call it our soul. Religion calls it “the Divine Indwelling.” Meister Eckhart put it best, perhaps, when he said, “The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.”

Richard Rohr