Prayer is not about changing God, but
being willing to let God change us, or as Step 11 in the Big Book of
Alcoholics Anonymous says: “Praying only for the knowledge of his will.” Jesus
goes so far as to say that true prayer is always answered (Matthew 7:7-11). Now we all know that this is
not factually true—unless he is talking about prayer in the sense that I will
try to describe it. If you are able to switch minds to the mind of Christ,
your prayer has already been answered! The new mind knows, understands,
accepts, and sees correctly, widely, and wisely. Its prayers are always
answered because they are, in fact, the prayers of God, as well.
True prayer is always about getting the “who” right. Who
is doing the praying, you or God-in-you, “little old you” or the Eternal Christ
Consciousness? Basically prayer is an exercise in divine participation—you
opting in and God always there!
Richard Rohr