his work on the Powers [the institutions that rule our world], Walter Wink
claims that the primary myth of our time is the “Myth of Redemptive Violence.”
This myth, which is so pervasive in contemporary U.S. culture, has its roots in
the ancient Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story about the struggle
between cosmic order and chaos. The idea is that force must be used to bring
order out of chaos and that the only way to conquer evil is through domination
and violence. This story has been played out around the world for generations,
and continues to be played out today.The pervasiveness of violence among human
beings brings to mind the ancient biblical story of Cain’s murder of Abel and
the subsequent multiplication of violence articulated by Cain’s descendent,
Lamech: “If Cain is avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy-seven fold.” (Gen.
4:24) It is this very cycle of violence that Jesus seeks to remedy when he
tells his followers that they must forgive even seventy-seven (or seventy times
seven) times (Matt. 18:22). Sadly, Jesus’ rejection of violence and his embrace
of nonviolence, so central to his life and message, have been ignored by many
who claim to be Christian. And although it was the political, military, and
economic Powers, supported by the religious establishment, that put Jesus to
death, much of official Christianity throughout history has supported similar
institutions and systems that are based on domination and violence. Walter Wink
calls this changing but similarly interlocking network of worldly Powers “the
Domination System.” Others call it “empire.”
too, function out of the myth of redemptive violence, under the illusion that
domination and violence can bring order out of chaos and can conquer evil.
Furthermore, empires seek to be ultimate and absolute, demanding people’s
loyalty and service. Those who resist are seen as enemies and subversives, as
Jesus was.
someone who seeks to follow (not just worship) Jesus, I choose the nonviolent
path that he chose. And I seek and work for a world transformed by Love, as he